
Equity in access to safely managed sanitation and prevalence of diarrheal diseases in Bangladesh: a national and sub-national analysis

Published: 2022 | 10.1186/s12879-022-07884-4 | Bangladesh

Authors: Akter J., Islam M.R., Akter S., Rahman M.M., Hossain F., Anam M.R., Alam M.A., Sultana P., Rashid S.,

Epidemiology of eye diseases among children with disability in rural Bangladesh: a population-based cohort study

Published: 2022 | 10.1111/dmcn.15041 | Bangladesh

Authors: Muhit M, Karim T, Jahan I, Al Imam MH, Das MC, Khandaker G.,

Effects of Water, Sanitation, Handwashing, and Nutritional Interventions on Environmental Enteric Dysfunction in Young Children: A Cluster-randomized, Controlled Trial in Rural Bangladesh

Published: 2020 | 10.1093/cid/ciz291 | Outside Bangladesh

Authors: Lin A, Ali S, Arnold BF, Rahman MZ, Alauddin M, Grembi J, Mertens AN, Famida SL, Akther S, Hossen MS, Mutsuddi P, Shoab AK, Hussain Z, Rahman M, Unicomb L, Ashraf S, Naser AM, Parvez SM, Ercumen A, Benjamin-Chung J, Haque R, Ahmed T, Hossain MI, Choudhury N, Jannat K, Alauddin ST, Minchala SG, Cekovic R, Hubbard AE, Stewart CP, Dewey KG, Colford JM, Luby SP.,

Effects of spousal migration on access to healthcare for women left behind: A cross-sectional follow-up study

Published: 2021 | 10.1371/journal.pone.0260219 | Outside Bangladesh

Authors: West HS, Robbins ME, Moucheraud C, Razzaque A, Kuhn R.,

Effects of Moringa oleifera leaves on hemoglobin and serum retinol levels and underweight status among adolescent girls in rural Bangladesh

Published: 2022 | 10.3389/fnut.2022.959890 | Bangladesh

Authors: Khanam M, Sanin KI, Ara G, Sultana Rita R, Boitchi AB, Farzana FD, Haque MA, Ahmed T.,

Effectiveness of the 10-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine against radiographic pneumonia among children in rural Bangladesh: A case-control study

Published: 2020 | 10.1016/j.vaccine.2020.08.035 | Bangladesh

Authors: McCollum ED, Ahmed S, Roy AD, Chowdhury NH, Schuh HB, Rizvi SJR, Hanif AAM, Khan AM, Mahmud A, Pervaiz F, Harrison M, Reller ME, Simmons N, Quaiyum A, Begum N, Santosham M, Checkley W, Moulton LH, Baqui AH; Projahnmo Study Group in Bangladesh.,

Total articles: 262

Bangladesh: 136

BRAC: 34

Outside Bangladesh: 92