
Effectiveness of health voucher scheme and micro-health insurance scheme to support the poor and extreme poor in selected urban areas of Bangladesh: An assessment using a mixed-method approach

Published: 2021 | 10.1371/journal.pone.0256067 | Bangladesh

Authors: Ahmed S., Hasan Md.Z., Ali N., Ahmed M.W.; Haq E., Shabnam S., Chowdhury M., Gahan B., Bousquet C., Khan J.A.M., Islam Z.,

Effective maternal, newborn and child health programming among Rohingya refugees in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh: Implementation challenges and potential solutions

Published: 2020 | 10.1371/journal.pone.0230732 | BRAC

Authors: Sarker M, Saha A, Matin M, Mehjabeen S, Tamim MA, Sharkey AB, Kim M, Nyankesha EU, Widiati Y, Shahabuddin ASM.,

Economics of healthcare access in low-income and middle-income countries: a protocol for a scoping review of the economic impacts of seeking healthcare on slum-dwellers compared with other city residents

Published: 2021 | 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-045441 | BRAC

Authors: Teixeira de Siqueira-Filha N, Li J, Kibuchi E, Quayyum Z, Phillips-Howard P, Awal A, Mithu MIH, Manzoor F, Karuga R, Saidu S, Smith J, Sai V, Garimella S, Chumo I, Mberu B, Tolhurst R, Mazumdar S, Rao V, Farnaz N, Alam W, Elsey H.,

Early marriage and early childbearing in South Asia: trends, inequalities, and drivers from 2005 to 2018

Published: 2021 | 10.1111/nyas.14531 | Bangladesh

Authors: Scott S., Nguyen P.H., Neupane S., Pramanik P., Nanda P., Bhutta Z.A., Afsana K., Menon P.,

Do essential service packages benefit the poor? Preliminary evidence from Bangladesh

Published: 2002 | 10.1093/heapol/17.3.247 | Bangladesh

Authors: Ensor T., Dave-Sen P., Ali L., Hossain A., Begum S.A., Moral H.,

Do employer-sponsored health insurance schemes affect the utilisation of medically trained providers and out-of-pocket payments among ready-made garment workers? A case-control study in Bangladesh

Published: 2020 | 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-030298 | Bangladesh

Authors: Ahmed S, Sarker AR, Sultana M, Roth F, Mahumud RA, Kamruzzaman M, Hasan MZ, Mirelman AJ, Islam Z, Niessen LW, Rehnberg C, Khan AA, Gyr N, Khan JAM.,

Total articles: 262

Bangladesh: 136

BRAC: 34

Outside Bangladesh: 92